You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name.

John 15:16
Welcome to the Commonwealth UMC website!
We invite you to look at our various activities for all age groups - worship, fellowship, and mission. If you are looking for a church home, please consider Commonwealth. Commonwealth is a community church for the Commonwealth-Morningside area - with members from that community as well as outlying areas. We care about our community and our neighbors. We invite YOU to be a part of our church family. Come and visit us this Sunday.
Sunday School - 10:00 am
Worship - 11:00 am

Every Sunday

Newsletters: Calendars:
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June 202
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Upcoming Events:
10/12/24 : 10:00 AM - Clothing Closet
10/13/24 : 10:00 AM - Sunday School
10/13/24 : 11:00 AM - Worship
10/15/24 : 9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
10/15/24 : 6:30 PM - Choir Practice
10/16/24 : 10:00 AM - Choir Practice
10/20/24 : 10:00 AM - Sunday School
10/20/24 : 11:00 AM - Worship

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