
My dearest brothers and sisters, Summer is here! Families are making plans for that much-needed vacation from school, work and routine life. Beaches, mountains, farms and family await those who understand the importance of stepping out of the same old routine to rest. Monday through Friday are days of work whether it be a job, school or just life. Saturdays often become chore days as we struggle to keep up the house and yard while running errands. Then there is Sunday, which to a Christian also includes heading to church and hopefully followed by lunch with family and friends. God created the Sabbath as a designated day of rest for God’s people. This, to me, would indicate that God thought it important enough to incorporate into each week. Unfortunately, people have decided to cram pack Monday through Sunday to the hilt and run themselves ragged in the process. But alas, summer has come, the season of rest and restoration. People in pursuit of rest who decide they need a break from God. If your method and mode of serving God in church has become work, then maybe you are doing it all wrong. Jesus said, “Burned out on religion?” It happens when the practice of religion overtakes the experience of the relationship!

Our relationship with Jesus Christ is the reason we live! God loves giving us rest, but I believe it’s impossible to be completely rested apart from Jesus Christ. This summer, in order to achieve the rest you long for, Jesus must be in the midst of it. The beach is a relaxing destination and the mountains a place of peace but outside the Presence of God these places are just stops along the way. Wherever you choose to vacation this year, whether a faraway destination or the new “staycation”, don’t leave the Presence of God to do so! Take Jesus Christ on vacation with you this year! Better yet take Him everywhere you go everyday of your life! Have a wonderful, rest-full, peace-full, joy-full summer my friends! Know that Jesus loves you, and so do I!

Peace, Rev. Pilar Perez