And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he is revealed we may have confidence and not be put to shame before him at his coming.

1 John 2:28  
  July 2024  
Click on any date to view details for that day.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  1 2
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
10:30 AM - Choir practice
3 4 5 6
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
8 9
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
10:30 AM - Choir practice
10 11 12 13
10:00 AM - Clothing Closet
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
15 16
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
10:30 AM - Choir practice
17 18 19 20
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
12:00 PM - Administrative Council Meeting
22 23
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
10:30 AM - Choir practice
24 25 26 27
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
29 30
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
10:30 AM - Choir practice
Click here for a printable calendar.

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