Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life.Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?'

John 11:25-26  
  February 2025  
Click on any date to view details for that day.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
3 4
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
5 6
5:03 PM - Charlotte Clubhouse
7 8
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
10 11
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
12 13
5:03 PM - Charlotte Clubhouse
14 15
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
17 18
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
19 20
5:03 PM - Charlotte Clubhouse
21 22
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Worship
24 25
9:00 AM - Charlotte Clubhouse
26 27
5:03 PM - Charlotte Clubhouse
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